Saturday, August 31, 2013

What it Means to BE a Goddess: Raising Lust into Worship

This was written years ago, while still living in Santa Cruz, CA...  then was re-edited 12/2012 and posted as a note to Facebook.  I am at a point where it feels as though it needs to be *completely* re-written, so, of course... I am posting it here, now ;)

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As Woman, I was made in the image of the Goddess.  I was formed, molded and shaped into Her likeness and imbued with Her breath.  Her energies.  Her wisdom.  Her mysteries.  Her tenacity.  When I am in an authentic state of being: receptive, compassionate, capable, expansive: I am evoking Her.  When I am innately expressing my true essence I respect myself-- I hold myself in the highest esteem, and to the highest of standards.  I am powerful.  I expect to be treated with loving kindness, compassion, respect, and reverie- -as all authentic beings should be approached. 

To be worshipped as a Goddess is to be acknowledged for who I innately am: a strong, vibrant, intelligent, emotive force.  Such things are awe-inspiring: they are humbling to be in the presence of, because they are seated in humility themselves.  To have a man in my life- to share my being-ness with, my bed and heart with, is an honor.  It is a privilege.  I am the embodiment of Mystery-- I hold within my being vast emptiness, regeneration, birth and death.  Secrets that men must ask to learn, entreat to learn, and be deeply respectful of, as they are not innately possessors of such wisdoms.  Men possess and cultivate their own inherent skills and heroic nature.  The melding of Intuition and Skill is a beautifully powerful union.  It is sacred-- it integrates potentiality with action, birthing transformative change. 

The Unknown is seductive-- it is alluring and desirable.  When men are able to recognize that such Mysteries are not something to be taken, conquered, or possessed-- but experienced, reveled in, and worshiped, then a space opens for sincere communion.  Acknowledgement is vital-- to be recognized as someone more than an object of lust or beauty.  When a man thirsts for something more nourishing than simple sexual satiation it is deeply empowering to both parties.  Our culture has deviated from supporting that experience of true sexual commUNION with an experience that focuses on only expressing base, animalistic urges.  When I am gently and reverentially approached by a lover I am more inclined to unfurl, allowing the delicate and tender aspects of my being to be witnessed.  It takes coaxing, nurturing, and a gentle “warming up” to be truly present, truly in the moment with a partner.  My heart must be in alignment, and my soul must be aroused if I want to have exchange energies with a man- otherwise it is a disconnected, distracted, oft disheartened “act”.  I am aroused by more than mere touch- I am aroused (or not) by what he is bringing to me in that moment: his heart, his appreciation and awe of me, his desire to experience nourishing in the most intimate of ways, a longing to meld essences; to create, to integrate.  That sense of awe and wonderment and inquisitiveness is what makes sex so amazing- so powerful.  It makes magick.  It forges trust.  The coming together of two innately opposite forces in such a way that they blend together seamlessly is what is longed for.  The creativity and inquisitiveness is what compels a man to seduce: what is it that will pique her interest?  What is it that will turn her head?  Warm her thighs?  Release the burning heat of her tender heart, and let it drip deep into her root?   I want (and expect) to be seen as a complex, delicate creature- I want to be approached with caution and grace- steady hands, steady heart- with a sensitivity to the inclinations, energies, and subtle shifts that are pure communication, without having to verbalize every need and desire.  I am neither broken, fragile nor timid.

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