Saturday, December 5, 2009


Procrastination and I are intimate.  We spend time together in the early morning, and mid-morning, and sometimes straight through noon.  We take baths together... and doodle and canoodle and eat too much together and sometimes share a glass of wine- only after noon, of course.  I am protective and defensive and infatuated with Procrastination.  I let few things come between us, and sometimes I feel Husby gets the short end of the stick- though I am sure I remembered to tell him about this affair, before we married, though maybe I never got around to that...

I am an amazing writer of lists- and I delegate well.  Though, many times I don't actually get around to writing those Pulitzer-worthy lists, which makes them terribly hard to execute, let alone complete.  So, here, now, while I'm in the throes of the written word, I will make my List for today, and see if I can release myself from the comfortable arms of Inertia (that's my pet name for Procrastination, because sometimes it's just too much to say *yawn*)

1. get up (I did that!)
2. walk Chloe (check.)
3. feed Chloe, Zucchini the cat and our three little piggles (check.)
4. examine FaceBook closely for something original and amazing that someone I know may possibly have posted. (check.)
5. re-examine FaceBook.  Just in case I missed something, and maybe accept a FarmVille gift, or two. (check. check.)
6. shower... because bathing is simply a trap, it leads to more slovenly behavior- I just know it
7. eat something, anything.  Well, almost anything- I think the pets are off limits, though they are considerably plumper than before I fed them.
8. laundry 
9. visit with Dad
10. race home
11. eat again- it's a never ending battle, I swear.
12. iron the laundry
13. walk Chloe again, or at least play fetch.
14. work on something beautiful and creative to make up for all that laundry
15. create a mess in the kitchen for Husby.  (Wait- no.  That can't be right...) 
15. create a mess in the kitchen as a result of some culinary masterpiece I concocted FOR husby, and try very hard to clean up after myself.  Maybe even before he gets home from work.  Who am I kidding?
15. create a mess in the kitchen for Husby.
16. snuggle
17. go to bed.

The key to a good list is A) you have to have things on it that you KNOW you can do, like get out of bed, and B) it can't be more than 20 things, because that would just be exhausting, and 20 things, no matter how small they maybe always makes you sound busy.


  1. You have a partner in crime with this one. Why do you think I pressured you to start this blog? I wanted to have something enjoyable and interesting to do while I was avoiding doing something else.

  2. AHA! Yes, well, we had frozen pizza last night. (and I *will* plead the fifth if you ask how many other things didn't get crossed off of my list yesterday!)
